
I just need to write something though I cannot write to save my own life.

I wanted to be more creative with words but somehow these words elude me as I am about to type/write them down. Reading the dictionary sometimes gives me a headache. Most of my friends are good at what they’re doing.

And as for me, I’m just giving myself an excuse to write.

My small guilty pleasure is hearing the keys of the keyboard as I construct every sentence until they end up in paragraphs. It’s the little things I appreciate the most, sometimes mixed with a little nostalgia.

Sentimentality. I am always sentimental.
I really think that will kill me someday.

Gising – A Four Day Aftermath write-up


Gising. The newest single by Autotelic, just recently had their music video launch last August 04 at Route 196, Katipunan. A successful event in celebration for Autotelic’s hottest single to date as they are on currently recording their second album under MCA Records having Gising to be included.

Continue reading Gising – A Four Day Aftermath write-up

Music Indulgence #001

I don’t know about you, but tell me, have you had days that you would listen to one song and listen to it on repeat for days, even weeks.

I have no real explanation for the reason why I wanted to share this/these songs in the first place. I wanted to because the songs, the music, every note resonated with me. I want it to attune to my moods so I can move on.

With future posts under this title, I might just post the song instead.



Hello again

This site is again…a clean slate as I have deleted all past entries from once I started much to my embarrassment because of how I write my thoughts and other things. Not much of content and I sound idiotic plus, I’m not much of a writer.

So I am back to square one again as I need an outlet (maybe).

Decided to put my presence back here little by little, and the mere fact that I don’t get that much traction doesn’t bother me anymore. I have finally decided that I should bring my site up and start again. I don’t update regularly, just so you know. 🙂

I’m just here to write again and possibly post my art.

I’m back.

Much love,